CS373 Fall 2021 Week of 27 Sep — 3 Oct: Victor Xia

Victor Xia
2 min readOct 3, 2021

What did you do this past week?

This past week has probably been the busiest week of my entire semester. On Monday, I met with my SWE group and had my very first intramural Ultimate Frisbee match, and my team won! I also studied for my algorithms exam. On Tuesday, I had my first tryout for club volleyball. On Wednesday, I had my first in-person exam since Spring 2020 for Algorithms. I then completed my Neural Networks assignment and had my second tryout on Thursday, and on Friday, I worked on project 2 some more and did 2 coding challenges for recruiting. Lastly, on Saturday, I went to an all-day volleyball tournament hosted here at UT.

What’s in your way?

Currently, nothing is really in my way besides managing my time between sports, school, working out, and recruiting.

What will you do next week?

Next week, I will play my next Ultimate Frisbee game, and probably take a more relaxed week, completing weekly assignments as usual without the stress of having any tryouts or incoming exams.

If you read it, what did you think of the Paper#6: Single Responsibility Principle?

I thought that the paper brought up a lot of good points. I myself am very guilty of violating this principle in the past, so I have a lot of unfortunate experience with the bugs that have come with letting classes have multiple responsibilities.

What was your experience of factorial, reduce, and operators?

I thought that the factorial exercise was pretty simple and straightforward. I am still very unfamiliar with python syntax, so I was a bit lost for reduce. Thankfully, I had help from my group members and some TAs/Professor Downing.

What made you happy this week?

Honestly, this week was very stressful for me. I am very happy that it is finally over and I can relax a bit more. However, if I had to choose one thing from this week that made me happy, it would be winning my first Ultimate Frisbee game with all of my friends on monday.

What’s your pick-of-the-week or tip-of-the-week?

For my tip-of-the-week, I recommend checking out the prettier extension on VSCode. You can set it up to auto-format your javascript code every time you save your code.

