CS371p Spring 2021 Week 5: Victor Xia

Victor Xia
2 min readMar 1, 2021

What did you do this past week?

This past week, I mostly worked on finishing up two assignments for other classes. I also got started on Voting with my partner, and we managed to get the basic I/O working in order to read in the data. This week was somewhat of a short working week, as school started on Wednesday, and I was still in a vacation mindset before then.

What’s in your way?

I can’t really think of any notable blockers that are in my way. However, after a week and a half break from school, my sleep schedule was really messed up, so that took some adjusting. Also, having no power hindered me from being productive during the snow storm.

What will you do next week?

Next week, I will finish up Voting with my partner. I will also start working on my next projects for Compilers and Symbolic Programming. I have two midterms for these two classes in a week and a half, so it will be good if I finish the projects up by next week, so I can have a week of pure studying for the exam without having to worry about any projects.

If you read it, what did you think of the Single Responsibility Principle?

I think that the paper was very interesting, and I agreed on many of the points such as giving a class more limited responsibility.

What was your experience of Voting and consts?

Algorithmically, Voting does not seem too difficult. However, since there was no starting code, and I have very limited knowledge of programming in c++, getting starter code working for Voting has been fairly challenging. Thankfully, I have learned a lot along the way, so I feel much more confident in starting the next projects if they also come with no starter code. I found the consts lecture very insightful and helpful. It thoroughly defined the restrictions of each consts type, so I now have confidence in which consts can do what.

How did you fare in the storm?

Thankfully, I had running water and power for most of the storm. However, I had a lack of good, fresh food, so my diet consisted mostly of hotpockets and ramen, which made me feel pretty disgusting after only eating these for around a week. Also, I live in North Campus, so it was pretty sad being snowed-in and not being able to play in the snow with all of my friends on campus.

What made you happy this week?

This weekend, I was able to celebrate on of my close friend’s 20th birthday, and it was really fun!

What’s your pick-of-the-week or tip-of-the-week?

A really useful shortcut to find a word on a page is ctrl+f.

